It's been a while since my last entry. Sorry about that, but the shop has been very busy. Available immediately is a nice Sapele C/G Wheatstone instrument---seven fold bellows, performer's model, stainless grills with raised edges. It is a great player, with a very nice refined tone.
Also, I have a new wooden-ended concertina for sale. It is the first wooden-ended instrument with the "Tree of Life" design to be made in my shop. It is a professional model and has a beautiful woody sound. I really like the ways it plays and sounds so I offer it for sale with great reluctance. The wood is pau ferro. The grain is oriented at an angle, giving it a windswept or stormy appearance-----seven deep fold bellows, dark bushing around black buttons, ebony capped pau ferro handles.
Pictures of both instruments will appear in a day or so at this site. If interested, please contact me by e-mail at Both instruments available immediately.